Mountain towns to visit in Macedonia

This will be definitely the first reason why you should visit Macedonia. If you have already been in this part of the world, you probably know that people here are just amazing. They are kind and welcome almost everywhere in the Balkans. But Macedonians are really special, they will make you feel comfortable anywere you go. They will open their home and give their food to you once they see that you are not from here. They are curious and they are trying to live happy even with all the problems and all the bad past they had. You really need to feel their energy to understand what I am talking about. And you know a good travel experience is not only about the place but also about the people 😉

2. Food 
Ok, I know it sounds like a cliche because everyone will say that they have the best food in the world. But most of the experience during the tours until now showed me that people simply love this food culture. I was always explaining that we have good food due to the different people that have conquered us in the past and the mix of culture and tradition. There is choice for everyone. And I am not talking only about the street food that we have in here, but also about all the traditional recipes that after centuries are still on our menus. 
I am talking about the love while cooking Ajvar with the whole family in the garden, about eating the baked beans on Fridays, about the shopska salad and rakija in the summer evenings…and to discover the rest is up to you.

3. Small towns
Here we call them towns, in some other bigger country they will be probably villages 🙂 But once you are in Macedonia you need to visit something more than just the capital. My favorite three cities to visit in Macedonia for a unique experience are Krushevo, Berovo and Kratovo. 

4. Villages
Macedonia is known especially for its villages where you can still see the tradition and the customs. If you really want to get to know the Macedonian culture, you should definitely visit some of the many villages such as Jance, Rostuse, Lazaropole, Galichnik, Brajcino. Only here you can feel the real spirit of Macedonia and the Macedonians

5. National Parks 
Are you a nature and mountain lover? If the answer is yes then Macedonia is waiting for you. Sometimes it can happen to have all the mountains and landscapes just for yourself, because still we don’t have lots of tourists, especially not in the mountains. We have for now three national parks (Mavrovo, Galichica and Pelister), probably there will be the 4th one very soon, and that will be the Shar Planina.

6. Lakes
Around the whole country you can find many different lakes. The biggest three tectonic lakes are Ohrid lake, Dojran lake and Prespa lake. The most known and touristic is the Ohrid Lake. But also you can find many artificial lakes like Mavrovo Lake, Debar Lake, Tikvesh Lake.

7. Churches and Monasteries
Macedonia is interesting destination if you are looking also for a religious tourism. Once you are here you must visit the Monastery of St. John  the Baptist (inside of the Mavrovo National Park) where you can see probably the most fascinating iconostasis. And the church of The Holy Mother of God – Peribleptos (1295) in Ohrid, where you will admire the beautiful frescoes, you will notice lot of renaissance elements inside of the frescoes that shows us that the renaissance began in here probably before Giotto. Another example about renaissance elements in the frescoes before Giotto we have in the church of St. Pantelejmon, located close to the city center of Skopje. 

8. Carnivals and Festivals
Maybe not like in Brazil but yes we have also nice carnivals in Macedonia 🙂 the most know are the Strumica carnival and the Vevchani carnival. Also during the year we have many different festivals like Skopje Jazz Festival, Makedox Creative Documentary Film Festival, International Cinematographers Film Festival “Manaki Brothers”, Wine Festival, Beer Festival, Galichnik Wedding and many others.

9. Inexpensive
Yes, you heard well, Macedonia is pretty cheap country, if you are traveling on a budget or you are looking some not so expensive destination, this is the right choice for you. And if you want help to organize your holiday or want to have the best tour experience you can have a look HERE.

10. Not touristy
I am glad to say this but I am afraid that not for too long. So if you are looking for some slow and alternative tourism this is the perfect destination. You are still on time to have the mountains and the landscape just for yourself 🙂

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