A-frame CABIN accommodation in Skopje

Are you looking for a unique getaway that combines the charm of a traditional village with the comforts of modern living? Just 30 minutes away from Skopje city center, located in the small village of Kuchkovo, two charming A-frame cabins in Skopje are waiting for you. These cozy retreats offer the perfect escape from city […]

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Skopje city tour en Español
Skopje tours privados en español

Descubre la singularidad de Skopje en nuestro recorrido a pie por la ciudad. Sumérgete en la mezcla de cultura, tradición y arquitectura que hace a Skopje tan especial en los Balcanes. Este tour está disponible en inglés, italiano y español. Únete a nosotros para explorar la cautivadora ciudad de Skopje con su rica herencia y […]

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Escape to Nature: Unique A-Frame Cabins in Skopje
A frame cabin in Skopje

Are you looking for a unique getaway that combines the charm of a traditional village with the comforts of modern living? Just 30 minutes away from Skopje city center, located in the small village of Kuchkovo, two charming A-frame cabins in Skopje are waiting for you. These cozy retreats offer the perfect escape from city […]

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Top 3 Mountain towns to visit in Macedonia
Macedonian mountain towns

If you love mountains and are planning a trip to Macedonia, here is the list with top 3 mountain towns. Macedonia has some beautiful mountain towns that offer stunning views, fresh air and a chance to experience local culture. Berovo Berovo is a small town nestled in the Malesevo Mountains. It’s known for its clean […]

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Museums in Skopje – TOP 5
Museums in Skopje

The list of the top 5 Museum in Skopje to visit while your stay here: Contemporary Art Museum of Macedonia: Immerse yourself in contemporary Macedonian art through rotating exhibitions featuring works by local and international artists across various mediums. This is definitely one of our favourite museums in Skopje. Website2. Archaeological Museum of Macedonia: Travel […]

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Skopje Old Bazaar – Top 10 places to visit
Skopje Old Bazaar

Skopje Old Bazaar – Top 10 places to visit Skopje Old Bazaar Explore the enchanting old town with our top 10 must-visit places! Immerse yourself in the rich history and vibrant atmosphere of this ancient market. From historic landmarks to charming cafes: 1. Kapan Han An Ottoman-era caravanserai that once hosted traders and their goods. […]

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Experience the nightlife in Skopje
Skopje Nightlife

Hey, party people! If you’re up for a party adventure after the sun goes down, then let’s dive into the nightlife world of Skopje! This city knows how to light up the night and keep the good times rolling till the late hours. So, put on your dancing shoes and get ready to party! Here’s […]

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Discover Skopje’s coffee culture: Top 3 specialty cafes
skopje specialty cafes

Welcome to the vibrant city of Skopje, where the coffee culture runs deep and specialty cafes are a true delight for coffee enthusiasts. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the top 3 Skopje specialty cafes in the city, each offering a unique and exceptional coffee experience. From expertly crafted brews to cozy ambiance, these […]

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Skopje city break – must-do activities
Skopje walking tours

Let’s get straight to the good stuff! Here are the top must-do activities during your Skopje city break: Wander through Time: Start your adventure at the heart of Skopje, Macedonia Square. This lively open space is surrounded by different statues and  fountains. Snap some selfies with the impressive Alexander the Great statue and feel the […]

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Galicnik Wedding Festival
Macedonia destinations

Macedonia Destinations: The Galicnik Wedding Festival – Celebrating Love and Tradition In the small village of Galicnik, Macedonia, a time-honored tradition comes to life every July during the Galicnik Wedding Festival. This enchanting celebration is about a traditional Macedonian wedding, a unique glimpse into the country’s rich cultural heritage. Steeped in history and full with […]

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